Can I return my order for a refund?
Unfortunately, we're unable to accept returns as per our terms and conditions, and we can't offer a refund due to change of mind or if delivery times were not taken into account at the time of placing your order.
Please always double check your order and conditions of delivery before finalising at checkout. Once your order is confirmed we are unable to accept cancellations. Due to the personalised nature of our products, all sales are final once the item has been produced.
Refunds and replacements will not be offered if the customer:
- simply changes their mind
- decides they do not like the purchase
- made an error when the order was placed
- decides they have no use for it
- damages the goods by not handling carefully as per our Product Care, and/or mounting items securely to surfaces
Our Personalised Products and Custom Designs are made-to-order according to each customer's specifications, so changes and requests for returns or re-makes where the customer has made a personalisation error or simply changed their mind are not possible. We understand that these things happen sometimes though, and where we can, we'll try to help out with an affordable solution if we receive notification within time period specified above.
If there is something we can assist with regarding your order, don't hesitate to reach out. You can send us a message or call us Mon-Thur 9am-3pm EST on (03) 9070 8156 :)